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No Shame In Working Smarter

Matchmaker Bar in Ireland

Often the preconceived notions about hiring a matchmaker is that you must be so desperate or inadequate that you need help in this area of your life. Nobody thinks twice about someone hiring a trainer to get into shape, or a real-estate agency to help you find a home, but to reach out for assistance in the most important area of your life can sometimes make you feel ashamed.

The first matchmaking agencies in Britain appeared in the 1600s when parish vicars played a crucial role in matching their parishioners with a spouse from the same social class. In many cultures, arranged marriages were used as a strategic tool to ensure their inheritance of, and continued dominance over, land, wealth and status. The consent of the future bride and groom was of little to no importance to these matchmakers, and all of the arrangements were simply made on their behalf.

Since the time of arranged marriages, matchmakers have introduced algorithms into the searches as well as the personal touch. We have taken matchmaking to a new level. It is no longer just about social status but also about finding a companion that you are compatible with. One in which the foundation is strong and can stand the test of time.

Ireland is renowned for its matchmaking traditions. A festival specifically held for this purpose has been run in the Spa Town of Lisdoonvarna for over 150 years. There is only one official matchmaker left in the town today. Willie Daly is a third generation matchmaker and during the festival, Daly can be spotted clutching his 150-year-old notebook full of love-seeking profiles and successful matches (he’s now responsible for over 3000 marriages!).

Today 40,000 people flock to the festival each year to take part in the festivities.

August 31st is National Matchmaking Day and the day should be celebrated and not treated as a forbidden process. Be proud that you take your personal happiness seriously, work smarter and not harder. Life is too short to sit and wait for Mr or Mrs right to find you. Take control of your destiny and let us help you find your happily ever after.

Remember, no matter how hard you are looking to meet the right person, they want just as badly to meet you. You owe it to yourself to let Nebraska Expert Matchmakers help you find that person. Take a step toward the relationship you’ve imagined. Click below to talk with us.