Online Dating Truths

April 16, 2019 0 By Angela

Men and women have vastly different experiences online. An average of
7 men compete for the attention of 1 woman which leads to a lot of unanswered emails. Do you find yourself sending out emails and waiting for responses? I often have men show me, pictures of women, that they find attractive online and once I ask them how many they have met, the answer is “none”. I am able to get you meeting face to face so you have a chance to build a connection.

The fact of the matter is that women receive far too much “unwanted”
attention online. Women get endless messages, so many that they stop reading them. Dating stops feeling like fun and feels more like a part-time job. Sadly enough, I have had numerous men tell me that they merely copy and paste the same message over from one woman to the next. Don’t you want to stand out and be special to the man that is wanting to meet you? Just as sad, men have to message so many women to get a response, it is just too time-consuming for them to be original in their initial email.

You have 8 seconds to persuade a potential match to respond to your message online. First of all, you have to make it past the approval of your picture and then the first few sentences are crucial to make a good impression for the other person to make the decision to meet you or even respond back. Wouldn’t it be nice having a relationship specialist represent you?

You will get rejected – a lot online. How thick is your skin? Rejection hurts and it happens in dating no matter how you meet someone. Online, you never know what the reason is and can only speculate what you may be doing that is unattractive to the opposite sex. When meeting people through a relationship specialist you will receive some insight and coaching to help you achieve your goals.

Some people treat online dating like it’s a “numbers” game or they are at a
pick ‘N’ mix shop. The more they pick the closer they are to getting a
“yes”. Dating is like the lottery, you have to play to win. If you are not doing anything to meet someone, chances are you won’t just by chance. However, people don’t want to feel like just a number, people want to be special. There is nothing sweeter than having your matchmaker know who you are and what makes you tick. To be able to pick up the phone and speak to a specialist instead of doing an online chat with a representative that doesn’t know you, like with an online service.

Online dating can cripple your self-esteem and self-worth. Nothing is worse than feeling passed up simply from your profile picture. It makes you feel as if something is wrong with you. It is beneficial for having a relationship specialist pointing out your wonderful qualities to a potential match so they can meet you in person and see your charm and charisma.

People tend to not be completely honest when making their profiles for online services, forgetting about the fact that if they do end up meeting someone in person and talking, the truth comes out very quickly and rarely leads to a second date. Males tend to fib about their occupation and income.
Females tend to post pictures that were taken over 5 years ago.

Both Men and Women “fudge” about their real age. Both usually claim they are younger than they really are. More so with people over 51 years old. As a relationship specialist, I personally screen and qualify each candidate as well as run a thorough background check.

Doing this for the past fifteen years, I hear the heartache and stories of online dating and I have designed my program to try to eliminate a lot of the frustration and disappointment with an online experience. Make your appointment with me today so we can get you started on your journey to meeting quality, and local singles face to face!